Your Nourished Path to Motherhood

Preparing your mind and body preconception, whether it is your first or last pregnancy has many benefits to both the health of mom and baby as well as optimizing the chances of a smooth birth and postpartum experience. The Nourished Path to Motherhood program is an investment in the transformation of your health, pre-baby. This program will be the greatest gift to your future child, both in the health of you and your child as well as the ability to be more present in motherhood.

If you think about how the quality of the soil food is grown in and its effect on the nutrients of the produce, it also makes sense that the quality of the fuel (aka food and thoughts) that a woman feeds herself with will have a direct effect on the outcome of the baby’s health as well.

A minimum of 3-4 months of diet and lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on the quality of the egg (and sperm). Jamie’s methods are holistic and preventative in nature, with a goal of minimizing unexplained infertility and miscarriages that are on the rise.

One of the main tools Jamie uses in coaching is using the menstrual cycle as a monthly report card for overall health. Are you experiencing PMS, irritability, cramping, and headaches around your cycle? How many days do you bleed? What is the length of your luteal phase? Don’t know what your luteal phase is, that is ok, Jamie can help you get more familiar with this aspect of womanhood which has been left out of our education system for far too long. Becoming grateful that you bleed each month can be a huge mindset shift in your approach to understanding your fertility.

Working with Jamie will help you develop a deeper connection to your own body so that you feel empowered by your fertility and listen to your body’s cues to prepare you for a healthy pregnancy experience.


Conscious Parenting